Despite taking good care of your oral health, dental emergencies can still occur. They can be life-threatening or cause permanent damage to your teeth. Contact Emergency Dental Las Vegas now!
A toothache that does not subside despite using pain relief meds is considered an emergency. Other problems classified as dental emergencies include severe pain, bleeding gums, and a lost filling.

An abscessed tooth happens when bacteria infect a single or multiple teeth. The bacteria enter a cavity, cause gum disease or dental trauma, and cause the tissue to become inflamed, resulting in the buildup of pus that can’t drain. A throbbing pain, bitter taste in the mouth, and swelling of the jaw or face are common symptoms. An abscessed tooth may also have a pimple-like bump that oozes pus when you press it.
You must visit your dentist or endodontist for treatment if you have a tooth abscess. Left untreated, the infection can spread to your head, neck, and other body areas. An abscessed tooth can also be life-threatening if it reaches your brain, sinuses, or lungs.
There are two main types of tooth abscesses: periapical and periodontal. Periapical abscesses occur when bacteria reach the tooth’s innermost core (pulp), which contains blood vessels and nerves. They can also form around a tooth’s root, often caused by a large cavity or damaged filling. Periodontal abscesses are less common and involve the gum tissue surrounding a tooth or a tooth that hasn’t fully erupted.
A dentist diagnoses a tooth abscess by examining the affected area and pressing on the tooth or using a dental instrument called a “pimple aspiration.” The dentist inserts a needle into the pus-filled pimple and withdraws a small amount of fluid. A bacterial culture can then be performed to identify the causative bacteria.
Tooth abscesses are treated by draining the pus and filling or removing the abscessed tooth. This procedure is called a root canal and usually requires local anesthetic. During a root canal, your dentist drills down into the abscessed tooth and removes the diseased central tissue, then cleans, fills, and seals the tooth’s pulp chamber and root canals.
Antibiotic medication is prescribed to eliminate the infection and prevent further complications. You can rinse your mouth with salt water or baking soda and take over-the-counter ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve pain. A cold compress can also help reduce swelling and pain.
The enamel that covers teeth is the strongest tissue in the body, but it has its limits. A blow to the face, biting down on an ice cube or hard candy, or even chewing too hard can cause a tooth to chip or break. A broken tooth can hurt and should always be taken seriously, especially if it exposes the nerve.
A small crack in a tooth may not need treatment, but if it is deep enough to touch the root, a dentist needs to examine the break and decide whether the tooth can be saved or whether it needs to be removed. Serious breaks can cause pain, and the broken parts may bleed. A tooth cracked down to the root usually must be treated with a root canal.
An emergency dentist can treat a broken tooth in several ways. They will numb the area with local anesthetics and may shave off sharp edges to prevent gum damage or irritation. They can also fill the gap and use a composite resin to repair the tooth. This bonding material is shaped over the broken tooth and hardened under blue light.
To help a broken tooth heal, patients should avoid hard foods and chew on the other side of their mouth. They should also rinse their mouth with warm salt water several times a day and drink plenty of liquids to keep bacteria washed away. If the tooth is painful, over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be used, following label directions for the best results.
The sooner a patient sees an emergency dental professional, the better. A quick diagnosis and treatment will allow them to avoid more serious complications, like infection and a lost tooth. Preventive measures, such as avoiding chewing on ice cubes and hard candy, wearing a sports mouthguard if you grind your teeth, and regular dental visits can also help prevent broken teeth. If a tooth is broken, however, the sooner you get to the dentist, the faster it will be repaired, and your smile can return to normal.
A knocked-out tooth, or avulsed tooth, is one of the most distressing dental emergencies. It happens as a result of sports injuries, accidents, fights, and falls and can affect people of all ages. A dentist can save a knocked-out tooth if it is treated quickly.
The first thing a person needs to do is pick up the tooth properly. They should only touch the tooth portion above the gums, known as the crown. They should not touch the root, which is more sensitive and can cause permanent damage. The next step is to rinse the tooth with milk. This is important because it helps keep bacteria out of the socket and increases the chances of reinsertion.
If the person can make it to their dental office within an hour of their tooth being knocked out, they will have the best chance at saving it. The dentist will flush out the socket and then try to reinsert it. If reinsertion is unsuccessful, they will discuss other options for tooth replacement, such as a fixed bridge or dental implant restoration.
It is important to note that if someone has taken medication for pain on the way to the dentist, they need to let them know so that the dentist can be aware of this. This is because it may influence the anesthetic they use during treatment, which could affect the procedure’s outcome.
Ultimately, knocked-out teeth can be saved by quick action and a trip to the emergency dentist. A knocked-out tooth can permanently damage the surrounding teeth, so seeking immediate dental care is important. If it’s too late for reinsertion, the dentist can still help by cleaning the socket and stabilizing the damaged tooth with a splint. They will evaluate the patient at regular intervals until the tooth heals. This can take a while, but it’s a better alternative to living with a missing tooth. A missing tooth can lead to other oral health problems, such as the remaining teeth shifting position due to being unanchored.
The inside of a tooth is alive, containing nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. If a tooth is damaged in some way, normally harmless bacteria may enter the dental pulp and cause infection. When the infection spreads to the roots of a tooth, it forms a pocket of pus called an abscess. A dental abscess is a serious condition that needs to be treated quickly. Left untreated, a dental infection can spread to other parts of the mouth, jawbone, or brain.
The most common signs of an infected tooth are severe and persistent pain, fever, and swelling of the gums. If you have a dental infection, you should visit an endodontist as soon as possible for treatment. They will drain the infection with a root canal procedure; if this is not possible, they will remove the infected tooth completely. They will also use a rubbery dental filling material called gutta percha to seal the tooth, which helps reduce the risk of future infections.
If you cannot see your endodontist right away, you should visit a hospital emergency department to have the infection and abscess examined by a doctor. They can prescribe antibiotics and other medications to control the infection until you can see your dentist.
Tooth infections are usually caused by poor oral hygiene and can be prevented with regular professional cleanings, daily tooth brushing, and limiting sugary foods. However, infections are still quite common despite these efforts and can be difficult to diagnose without the help of a dental exam and X-ray.
A tooth infection can be very painful, especially if it has formed an abscess. To relieve the pain, rinse your mouth with warm salt water and take over-the-counter painkillers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen. If the infection is severe, your dentist or doctor may prescribe antibiotics to prevent the infection from spreading to other areas of the mouth or body. They may also recommend drinking lots of fluids and applying an ice pack to the infected area.